Draw a picture

You could draw or paint a picture of your family or something that makes you happy.

Would you like your picture to go on this page? See below for other drawings and paintings!

Ask a grown-up in your family to send your finished picture to us, with just your first name. They can do this using our Contact page.

Or they can send it by post to:

MND Buddies
Francis Crick House
6 Summerhouse Road
Moulton Park

Nicholas Close
Nicholas - aged 7
Nicholas drew this picture of a bulldozer for his grandad with MND.
Nicholas Close
Nicholas - aged 7
Nicholas liked the idea of MND police to help his grandad with MND.
Lily Close
Lily - aged 7
Lily's grandad has MND and piggies are his favourite animals.
Penni May
Penni May Close
Penni May - aged 12
Penni May's dad has MND and she has been writing for our Thumb Print magazine - you can read her work on the Write it gallery. She also drew Eric the Elephant for us.
Maisie Close
Maisie - aged 3
This was Maisie's winning design for our 2020 Christmas card competition, in the 9 years and younger group!
Clemmie Close
Clemmie - aged 14
This was Clemmie's winning design for our 2020 Christmas card competition, in the 10 to 16 year old group!
Emily Close
Emily - aged 7
This was Emily's winning design for our 2019 Christmas card competition, in the 9 years and younger group!
Giselle Close
Giselle - aged 12
This was Giselle's winning design for our 2019 Christmas card competition, in the 10 to 16 year old group!

There’s loads more to do with us